Fieldwise LIVE brings national trials to your screens – Arable Farming

Fieldwise LIVE initiative ensures growers are not missing out on the latest research, expert advice and crop reports ...

Directly from the Regional Technology Centres (RTCs) around the country from Alnwick to Cornwall, the Helix farms in Northamptonshire and Suffolk, plus the Lincolnshire Brassica demonstration and the Fenland Potato site.

Throughout the remainder of the season, Hutchinsons agronomists will continue posting regular updates on the dedicated Fieldwise LIVE section of the Hutchinsons website.

Click the arrows below to watch the video updates.

Variety insights

The latest Fieldwise Live videos provided some timely advice for growers still undecided about what varieties to grow this autumn. Several Regional Technology Centres gave updates from their variety trials, showcasing the best options for specific regions, soil types and growing conditions.


At Grayingham in Lincolnshire, national seeds manager David Bouch said many leading wheat varieties were in big demand given the increased wheat crop predicted this autumn, likely to be around 2m ha, potentially up to 2.2m ha (compared with nearer 1.5m ha in 2019/20).

Among the Group 1 wheats, Mr Bouch picked Crusoe, KWS Zyatt and Skyfall as the lead contenders, while KWS Extase was the Group 2 of choice. KWS Firefly led the Group 3s, while the Group 4 feed sector was more open, with LG Skyscraper and RGT Saki making a good pairing. SY Insitor and Gleam were also strong contenders, he said.

Click here for the full list of wheat varieties demonstrated at Grayingham.

Watch the video update here


At Fincham in Norfolk, 33 varieties were being trialled and agronomist Peter Riley picked his highlights for local growers, especially those looking to sow late after roots or veg, and provided tips on considerations when making choices.

“In this part of the world, bearing in mind we don’t have chlorothalonil in 2021, a rough rule I’m suggesting is to consider varieties with Septoria resistance of over 5.5; that’s probably more important for earlier drillings than later drillings.”
In higher-risk areas, such as Herefordshire, he suggested increasing that minimum Septoria score to 6.5.

Click here for the full list of wheat varieties demonstrated at Fincham.

Watch the video update here

Hybrid wheats at Helix

Hybrid wheats were attracting increasing attention as new varieties came to market, and several options have been trialled at RTCs.

Bob Bulmer said the late sowing and difficult establishment conditions of 2019/20 appeared to have suited hybrids. “Hybrid vigour has really come to the fore this season.”

But in his update from the National Helix site, Rob Jewers illustrated how important correct soil pH was for all varieties, including hybrids. Analysis of one area where crops had exhibited stunted growth and yellowing of leaves and ears revealed the cause was low pH. “pH is really important for nutrient use efficiency, so if you see patches like that, it’s worth doing a pH test to ensure you’re making the most of nutrient inputs.”

Watch the video update here

Cover crops benefit brassicas

At the Old Leake brassica demonstration in Lincolnshire, agronomist Richard Daubney showed how multispecies overwinter cover crops had benefitted the establishment of following crops earlier this season.

A comparison of two areas of the same field, where cover crops established well versus a patch where they struggled in wet conditions last year, showed it required less effort to create a much better seedbed on areas where the cover crop grew properly.

Those areas just required one pass with a subsoiler at 75-100mm deep, followed by the power harrow immediately after to create a “lovely” tilth and seedbed, Mr Daubney said. In contrast, where the cover crop struggled to establish, an extra two to three passes with the powerharrow were required. Seedbeds were drier and more cobbly, which reduced soil-to-transplant contact and noticeably affected crop establishment.

Fieldwise LIVE video updates showcase:

  • Technologies such as the use of climate systems that can enhance planning of input applications.
  • NDVI imagery for better monitoring and variable rate inputs, plus ongoing development of Terramap – the remote soil mapping system.
  • Hybrid wheat development and the use of yield and cost of production mapping to improve field profitability are also amongst the many other projects.

Get involved with Fieldwise LIVE

Videos from Hutchinsons’ trials sites will be posted on the dedicated Fieldwise LIVE section of the revamped website at regular intervals throughout the remainder of this season.

Viewers can follow crop development and listen to the best advice on how to manage them, from our leading technical experts and agronomists.

There will also be regular updates on the Hutchinsons Twitter and Facebook pages.


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